Santa Claus paid a visit to Legacy Park on the evening of December 18, 2022 at the Park Pavilion. His elves from Legacy Park Friends provided hot chocolate and cookies for nearby residents who came with (and without) children to chat and pose with him. Even the cold temperatures did not deter merrymakers from strolling around Hollingsworth Park which was lined with decorative paper bag luminaries outside people’s homes. Legacy Park Friends (LPF) netted $3,200 from the sale of luminary kits to 246 neighborhood households. LPF is so grateful to NHE for lending space in their Sumerel building parking lot, to the Verdae Food Lion for donating hundreds of plastic bags for luminary supplies, to Office Depot for printing our flyers, to our hard-working volunteers who braved the cold weather to prepare the kits and set out lights, and to Billy Crank for kindling our imaginations! Santa hopes to return next year to participate in the same sparkling festivities.

Santa Claus takes requests at the park pavillion

Ruskin Square lights up the night on December 16, 2022